5-Year Alim Course

Darul Uloom Jalalia Deoband Online - an Islamic institute - aims to provide and impart higher Islamic Education to the Muslim Community especially those who do not find time to go to Madaris and spend 8 years to become an Alim/Alima. It offers you a 5-year Alim course to equip yourself with Islamic ethnicity by understanding the most Glorious Book in the world i.e. The Holy Quran so as to live by the Sunnah of our Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), according to the understanding of our pious predecessors, in order to follow the Right Path to please Almighty Allah.

In this course, you will gain the knowledge of Arabic grammar, Tafseer ul Quran, Usool ul Tafseer, Aqaid, Tajwid, Hadith, Usool ul Hadith, Fiqh, Usool ul Fiqh, Mirath & etc.    

It's Objectives are:
  • To uphold, preserve and promote the Shariah (Islamic Legal Code) as expounded by the four schools of jurisprudence.
  • To maintain, preserve and promote the Aqa’id (doctrine) of Islam as expounded by the Ahlul-Sunnah wal-Jama’ah.
  • To protect the religion of Islam from innovations as is manifested in the beliefs and practices of deviated sects, groups and movements.
May Allah Subhanahu give us taufique to help each others in spreading Islamic Values. (Aameen)

(Mufti) Muhammad As'ad Qasmi
Darul Uloom Jalalia Deoband

Distt. Saharanpur, U.P. INDIA

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